
Latest Version:  1.1.6

March 12th, 2024

What's New:


What is AirStatus?

AirStatus is a free app that shows the current AQI in macOS's status menu bar. Data is provided by PurpleAir. The app updates every 10 minutes, displaying the 10-min average PurpleAir sensors report converted to EPA's AQI scale. The AQI is the median of all PurpleAir's sensors in the given Zip Code and Radius. Supports macOS 10.15 or higher.

What is AQI?

AQI stands for Air Quality Index. See EPA's AQI Basics for more info.

What is "Use LRAPA Correction"?

See this article for more information: Understanding PurpleAir vs. Measurements of Smoke Pollution (Thanks Sara for the article)

I don't see the AQI. What gives?

Two reasons why there is no AQI displaying:

The AQI does not match PurpleAir/AirNow/etc numbers. Why is that?

AirStatus will filters out certain sensors and converts PurpleAir's raw data values to a close approximate to EPA PM.2.5 value. The conversion becomes less accurate the higher the AQI (> 150). 

How do I uninstall?

You can quit the App by right-clicking the AQI and going to "Quit". After quitting, you can just delete the file.

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